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Zion Part 3: Last Look
Enduring images of a place that transcends time

Zion Part 1: A Grand Entrance
After a thrilling drive, a wondrous canyon and huge doses of awe

Glen Canyon Dam
An enormous dam, an ginormous but shrinking lake, and a family of frilly dinosaurs

On the Road: Santa Fe to Page
Scenic highways, O’Keeffe Mountain, and Four Corners

Gorge Bridge and Earthships
Some cool and unusual things to see near Taos

On the Road: Austin to Santa Fe
The best enchiladas in the Chihuahuan desert

Texas Wildflowers
Some of the lovely flowers I “caught” during my walks

LBJ NHP and the Hill Country
Learning about “the last of the frontier presidents”

On the Road: New Orleans to Austin
A rainy drive with a tasty stop in Houston

On the Road: Tampa to NOLA
A pitstop at America’s favorite travel center