Acadia National Park
Last weekend we went for the best kind of Sunday drive - in our convertible, with the top down, in sunny (but not too hot) weather, in a scenic place where the mountains meet the sea. It was a perfect day and a perfect way to explore Acadia National Park.
We reminisced about our first visit to Acadia: it was 35 years ago, when we both lived in Boston, and just before we got engaged and moved to the other side of the country. Steve planned the trip, and I remembered it as being foggy, and romantic.
The southern park entrance was right near our cottage. We drove along the Park Loop Road to Cadillac Summit Road at the northern end of the park. The road had recently been repaved, and was pleasingly smooth and quiet to drive on. There were a few long, lazy switchbacks, and then we were at the top, looking out at Frenchman Bay and the Atlantic Ocean! We could see Bar Island - it was low tide, and the land bridge was visible - and the four Porcupine Islands. This was the magnificent view that we had been unable to see 35 years ago!

After Cadillac Mountain, we continued our drive along Park Loop Road. At Sieur de Monte, the Wild Gardens of Acadia had a peaceful path winding among native plants, and the small Nature Center displayed a few works by Artists in Residence.

The next stretch of Park Loop Road had scenic views of the water. At the Schooner Head Overlook, we could see Egg Rock and a (privately owned) house perched dramatically on the cliff.

We had been driving for a few hours now, so we parked at Fabbri and walked to Otter Point, climbing down onto the rocks for our picnic lunch. It was a peaceful spot overlooking Otter Cove, and a lone seagull kept us company. After lunch, we walked along Ocean Path. From the cliffside trail, we could see tide pools among the multi-colored rocks. Out on the water, there was a bright green buoy with its bell clanging. There were a few groups of seagulls floating together - perhaps sleeping - and hundreds of small lobster buoys. A gentle ocean breeze kept us cool. It was a lovely walk.

When the Ocean Path rejoined Park Loop Road, we walked back to our car and finished the remainder of the loop, supremely happy with our Sunday drive.