Hudson River Walks
Manhattan is an island, but it’s easy to forget that we’re surrounded by water. Fortunately, we can see the Hudson River from our apartment balcony, nearly forty stories above the street. It’s just a 15-minute walk from our place to the river, which separates Manhattan from New Jersey.
Now that Steve is also retired (yay!), we can do long walks together during the week. The other day we walked south along Hudson River Park from 46th Street to 17th Street. We could see New Jersey across the way, and some piers had small parks with colorful fall foliage and nice views of the Manhattan skyline. Then we climbed up to the High Line and walked back north to Hudson Yards, where we rewarded ourselves with sangria and tapas at Little Spain (yum!). After that, we walked back home along 10th Avenue - our version of a loop trail.

Another day, we walked up 8th Avenue and Central Park West to 69th Street, to see the Halloween decorations. Such fun neighbors!

Then we walked over to Riverside Park and walked south along the river, enjoying the scenery. We soon found ourselves back in Hudson River Park and the West Side Highway, and we ended this walk at about the same spot where we had started on the previous one.

The Hudson River stretches five miles along the west side of Manhattan, and we’ve walked about half of it to so far. The “greenway” is mostly continuous, with two large parks and a variety of public piers. It’s grittier and less cohesive than Chicago’s Lakefront Trail. But with the great weather and fall foliage, it is a nice alternative to Central Park.