Ocean Path Trail
On our last afternoon in Mount Desert Island, we walked the Ocean Path Trail in Acadia National Park. We started near Fabbri, where we had ended our hike last Sunday. Although the bright green buoy was far away, we could clearly hear the melodic tones of the buoy bell. As we walked north along the coast, we passed several picturesque coves with “beaches” of smooth round boulders at the foot of blocky, jagged cliffs.
Thunder Hole was below some large slabs of pink granite. We walked down the steps to a small cavern. The water was calm that day, and the waves were gentle, but as they rolled in and splashed, they made a surprisingly loud noise. We could imagine how it might sound like thunder claps on a windy or stormy day.
Sand Beach was larger than we expected, and quite popular. We had heard that the water was just 50-55℉, much too chilly for us! That was the end of the Ocean Path Trail, so turned around walked back. As the sun dipped lower, we could see people on the 110-foot high Otter Cliffs silhouetted against the sky. A walk along the coast was the perfect way to end our time in Maine.