Boulder Friends

My friend Wendy was once my housemate in Boston, waaaaay back when we were fresh out of college and working at our first real jobs (Wendy with Bain, me with Arthur Andersen & Co.). Now she lives in Boulder, and in true Boulder fashion, we enjoyed some great hikes together. It was wonderful meeting Wendy’s kids, Marcus and Mary, and her husband John. Thank you, Wendy, for having us over to your home for dinner! We still have so much to talk about - I hope we can see each other again soon.

Anna’s family lived across the street from us in Tampa - she used to walk to school with our son, Danny. She’s an honorary Wilson kid! Now she and her boyfriend Dam live in Boulder. We had a great time at dinner, talking about their jobs (they are real-life rocket scientists) and how people in Boulder love to go skiing in the winter. Anna and Dam, thanks for making time in your busy schedules to hang out with us. I hope our paths cross again soon!


Downtown Boulder


Peabody Essex Museum