Toledo to Seville

On our last morning in Toledo, we had a breakfast at the hotel and then took a taxi to the beautiful railway station. We took the high-speed train back to Madrid’s Atocha Station, where we had to change trains. Our train to Seville would leave from the first floor, so we went up on the travelators, which were like moving walkways on a slant. Our “Comfort Class” tickets gave us access to the Renfe lounge, where we waited in comfy chairs for about 40 minutes until it was time to board our train.

The AVE high-speed train to Seville had comfortable seats and free wifi. I liked being able to work on my laptop during the trip, which took about two hours and 45 minutes. I probably should have looked out of the window more - we passed through some pretty countryside. We were served a simple box lunch, plus beer for Steve and wine for me. It was an easy and enjoyable trip.

In Seville, we made our way through the busy, modern train station. After the quaint 19th century stations in Toledo and Madrid Atocha Station, it felt a bit like we had time-traveled into the future. We took an Uber to our flat, grateful to have more space after two weeks in hotel rooms. We were excited to be in Seville, our home for the next month!


Toledo Eats