Our Home in Seville
For our month in Seville, we’re staying in the Casco Antiguo, the Old Town at the heart of the city center. It’s a residential neighborhood, where the buildings have charming wrought iron balconies and decorated rooftops. Many of the streets are quite narrow and paved with cobblestones, and pedestrians and vehicles have to take turns navigating tight turns. The wider streets are lined with orange trees that, to our surprise, have mature fruit as well as some early blossoms. Since we’re on the Andalusian Plain, there are no hills.
We’re in a modernized flat in an old building - a pretty and practical mix of new and old. After two weeks of hotel rooms, it’s lovely to have the extra living space. Steve has really missed cooking; he put the petite kitchen to good use and made a delicious steak dinner on our first night. Yum! It was also nice to do laundry again, as we were both tired of hand-washing our clothing in hotel sinks. Like many European homes, our flat has a washer but not a dryer, so we must hang our clothes to dry. It has been a bit of an adjustment for us, but easier than we expected. It’s also better for the environment, and better for our clothes.
We’re conveniently located near grocery stores, restaurants, and Seville’s main attractions. We’re looking forward to exploring Seville on foot.